September 13, 2008

Banana Cookie Bars

I made banana cookie bars the other day. And as usual, I made too much for the household to consume by ourselves and it was suggested that I send some off with my parents since they were going to a social gathering that night in view of Mid-Autumn Festival.

Mum was saying how Uncle Tony would have a lot to say about texture, Auntie Judy would think it'd be too sweet, Uncle Kok Chye would ask for more banana taste in it next time and Auntie Pauline would ask for the recipe. She laughed at how these family friends always said the same things.

I started to feel defensive. I didn't like that my baked productions would have to be subjected to people's opinions and critique. I came to resent having people come to me with their comments when I did not ask for them.

I understand that people have different tastes and preferences and that sometimes people just express whatever they feel regardless of the recipient expecting feedback.

Anyway, I decided against having my baked creation being subjected to any kind of perception that night. I didn't let the bars go through scrutiny of biased mindsets, people who always say the same thing anyway. I kept my banana cookie bars at home.

Perhaps it's the wind I'm in right now, the wind of some kind of sensitivity and defensiveness. I hope the wind passes really soon.


LMC said...

Hmmm, COM class sure could use some yummy cookies ;P
I wont judge them =D
In fact ill probably have my mouth too full to saw anything, so ill just hum my approval to you yeh? =D
Honestly i dont like cookies much, but im sure's will be delicious!!!

Anonymous said... tummy is sure grumbling to have a taste of your cookies..
I really admire anyone who can bake, because I am a total kitchen disaster when I bake. I mean it will be a total wreak, literally. I caused my oven to stop functioning on my last baking "venture".
Sad but true.
Anyway, don't be offended by your relatives comments. Like you mentioned, everyone have their own opinions on what they deem as "sweet" and so on.
After all you should be proud that you baked something to be served to others. I would usually bake just enough for my family members, so whatever critisms would be within the family circuference.
Maybe, you could bring those cookies for us to taste? I promise, I will love it. No comments from me.

Ermandah said...

Hahaha! I know, it's definitely the wind.

And it's really not that I'm totally opposed to feedback, they're just not welcome all the time. Comments are inevitable and I just have to handle it better!

Anonymous said...

cookies!! oh well, at least you get to enter the kitchen, my family bans me from the kitchen most of the time, thinking that i may set the whole house on fire T.T

My family members choose to eat the food that my brother had done in home-econs class in school, but they had never tasted mine. (maybe because i cannot really convince myself to eat what i've cooked too)

Hope my experience will make you feel better *sobs*

Bring me your cookies next time..i will have no complains =P i'm the cookie monster!!

Ermandah said...

Haha Zhi Ying! I brought cinnamon rolls to class on Monday but you left already! Next time maybe :)

hakezawa yuki said...

ah, critiques are inevitable not just in baking =).
if it's something you like to do, don't let them get in your way, yea?
happy baking!

Anonymous said...

woah! I like the thing about perception, especially after having an european education. That has certainly broaden my horizon and perceptions. Therefore, I totally agree that being able to view situations in different perception offers more solutions and definitely a higher chance in obtaining a feasible way out.