September 21, 2008

AllsWell communicates well?

A young lady sits at a foodcourt. There are two bottled drinks on the table and it appears that she is awaiting her male companion to arrive for dinner. He arrives, asks what drink she has ordered for him and calls for the drink-seller to order another drink instead. She insists that the drink is good for him, especially with the hot weather, and persuades him to take the bottled drink instead. “But why?” he asks, whining slightly. There is a pause before she replies with that killer line “Because I love you.”

We’ve almost all seen this advertisement by AllsWell drinks.

Here is the link to the advertisement, for your viewing pleasure.

As reported in “Singlish ad gets laughs”, an article in the 21st September edition of The Sunday Times, this advertisements has quite a one-sided review. Many people find it “lame”, and quite cheesy, especially with the lady’s killer line. Does that line really work? Could it work in real life?

Nevertheless, I think this advertisement does communicate well. It appeals to the everyday person, since the actors in the advertisement look like a young, working couple, and they eat at a foodcourt, something everyday Singaporeans do. In this way, it communicates to the everyday person, which is good since AllsWell’s target market is that of the mass market.

Besides the dialogue in the advertisement, we can also note the non-verbal communication that takes place. In terms of paralinguistics, the pitch and tone of voice from the couple does add another dimension to the message sent. When the lady insists on the man taking the AllsWell drink, her tone indicates her persistence. Also, the man’s reply shows that he is reluctant. Of course the artifacts in the commercial help the audience understand that the scene is based in a foodcourt setting. In this way, the message of the advertisement is easy to understand.

This advertisement has been much talked-about, and by so-doing, has done well. Advertisements are often used to generate awareness and by becoming a talking point, people have definitely become more aware of the local bottled drink brand. Besides, AllsWell reported a 10% increase in sales after the advertisement started airing.

What do you think about how this advertisement communicates?


Anonymous said...

DISAGREE!! The said commercial left a really bad taste in my mouth. When I first saw the commercial, I actually cringed with horror at how utterly cheesy it was. In my opinion, it seemed like the people behind the commercial simply bought a copy of 'Marketing for Dummies', followed it step by step and stuck to a really low budget. It was just plain bad. I received the message that they were trying to convey loud and clear, but the message did little except to evoke negative emotions in me. To be frank, I feel quite discouraged to purchase any AllsWell products; and even if I do make any purchase, I would probably make a joke about the commercial along with the purchase. Haha :)

Anonymous said...

I sort agree with both side of the fence. The commercial stir up the attention of the viewers, be it good or bad. This has increase more awareness of this brand. My family has always drink one of their product - Starfruit juice, but we never actually take notice of or even associate it with the brand. This gross yet effective commercial had successfully portray a brand image that even my 5years old nephew can comprehend. However, I felt that the follow up commercial that is a sequel to the first commercial scene really puts me off the product. Just like what Yvonne had mentioned, it had certainly evoked a considerable disgust in me . I am still not sure if I can accept the goodness of the products minus the gross part.

Ermandah said...

Hey Yvonne!

Was the commercial so bad?! Oh no, looks like the ad didn't do too much branding for you! But at least it highlights the message of the advertisement: Buy Allswell Drinks, they're good for you! And even if you make a joke while making a purchase, there is some sort of word-of-mouth buzz!

Ermandah said...

Hi Anonymous!

Oh dear, you and your family are definitely not loyalists then, consuming without taking notice of the brand! But you have a point there, that awareness is very much achieved. And yes, I do agree that their sequel commercial is a bit much! Especially when the uncle says I LOVE YOU! Hahaha.